Workflow installation

This sections starts with the list of the main software used by the workflow, and a detailed list of all the dependencies required to execute it. Please, note that it is not needed to install these dependencies because the workflow will that automatically. The instructions below descripbe how to install the workflow locally (just by installing snakemake with conda, and snakemake will take care of all the rest). There are also instructions to use the containerized version of the workflow, using either docker, singularity or podman. The possible ways to deploy and use the workflow are:

  • Use conda to install snakemake through the environment.yml.

  • Build or download the docker container.

  • Build or download the singularity container.

  • Build or download the podman container.

  • Download the full tarball of the workflow (includes files of all software) in a Linux machine.

  • Open the Github repository in myBinder.


The main software dependencies used for the analysis are:

The requirements of the HI-FRIENDS data challenge solution workflow are self-contained, and they will be retrieved and installed during execution using conda. To run the pipeline you only need to have snakemake installed. This can be obtained from the environment.yml file in the repository as explained in the installation instructions.

The workflow uses the following packages:

  - astropy=4.2.1
  - astropy=4.3.post1
  - astroquery=0.4.1
  - astroquery=0.4.3
  - dask=2021.3.1
  - gitpython=3.1.18
  - ipykernel=5.5.5
  - ipython=7.22.0
  - ipython=7.25.0
  - ipython=7.26.0
  - jinja2=3.0.1
  - jupyter=1.0.0
  - jupyterlab=3.0.16
  - jupyterlab_pygments=0.1.2
  - matplotlib=3.3.4
  - msgpack-python=1.0.2
  - networkx=2.6.1
  - numpy=1.20.1
  - numpy=1.20.3
  - pandas=1.2.2
  - pandas=1.2.5
  - pip=21.0.1
  - pygments=2.9.0
  - pygraphviz=1.7
  - pylint=2.9.6
  - pytest=6.2.4
  - python-wget=3.2
  - python=3.8.6
  - python=3.9.6
  - pyyaml=5.4.1
  - scipy=1.7.0
  - seaborn=0.11.1
  - snakemake-minimal=6.5.3
  - sofia-2=2.3.0
  - spectral-cube=0.5.0
  - wget=1.20.1

This list can also be found in all dependencies. The links where all the software can be downloaded is in all links.

It is not recommended to install them individually, because Snakemake will use conda internally to install the different environments included in this repository. This list is just for reference purposes.


To deploy this project, first you need to install conda, get the pipeline, and install snakemake.

1. Get conda

You don’t need to run this if you already have a working conda installation. If you don’t have conda follow the steps below to install it in the local directory conda-install. We will use the light-weight version miniconda. We also install mamba, which is a very fast dependency solver for conda.

 curl --output
 bash -b -p conda-install
 source conda-install/etc/profile.d/
 conda install mamba --channel conda-forge --yes

2. Get the pipeline and install snakemake

git clone
cd hi-friends
mamba env create -f environment.yml
conda activate snakemake

Now you can execute the pipeline in different ways:

(a) Test workflow execution.

python --check

(b) Execution of the workflow for Hi-Friends. You will need to modify the contents of config/config.yaml:


You can also run the unit tests to verify each individual step:

python -m pytest .tests/unit/

Deploy in containers


To run the workflow with the Docker container system you need to do the following steps:

Build the workflow image

  1. Clone the respository from this github repository:

git clone
  1. Change to the created directory:

cd hi-friends
  1. Now build the image. For this we build and tag the image as hi-friends-wf:

docker build -t hi-friends-wf -f deploy.docker .

Run the workflow

  1. Now we can run the container and then workflow:

docker run -it hi-friends-wf

Once inside the container:

(a) Test workflow execution.

python --check

(b) Execution of the workflow for Hi-Friends. You will need to modify the contents of config/config.yaml:



To run the workflow with singularity you can bild the image from our repository:

Build the image:

  1. Clone the respository from this github repository:

git clone
  1. Change to the created directory:

cd hi-friends
  1. Build the Hi-Friends workflow image:

singularity build --fakeroot hi-friends-wf.sif deploy.singularity

Run the workflow

Once this is done, you can now launch the workflow as follows

singularity shell --cleanenv --bind $PWD hi-friends-wf.sif 

And now, set the environment and activate it:

source /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/
conda activate snakemake

and now, run the Hi-Friends workflow:

(a) Test workflow execution.

python --check

(b) Execution of the workflow for Hi-Friends. You will need to modify the contents of config/config.yaml:



To run the workflow with podman you can build the image from our repository using our dockerfile:

Build the image:

  1. Clone the respository from this github repository:

git clone
  1. Change to the created directory:

cd hi-friends
  1. Build the Hi-Friends workflow image:

podman build -t hi-friends-wf -f deploy.docker .
  1. Run the workflow:

podman  run  -it hi-friends-wf

Run the workflow

Once inside the container:

(a) Test workflow execution.

python --check

(b) Execution of the workflow for Hi-Friends. You will need to modify the contents of config/config.yaml:


Use tarball of the workflow

This solution only works with Linux environments. It has been tested in Ubuntu 20.04. First, download the tarball from Zenodo (link TBD).

You will need to have snakemake installed. You can install it with conda using this environment.yml. More information can be found in above.

Once you have the tarball and snakemake running, you can do:

tar xvfz my-workflow.tar.gz
conda activate snakemake
snakemake -n

Use myBinder

Simply follow this link. After some time, a virtual machine will be created with all the required software. You will start in a jupyter notebook ready to execute a check of the software. In general, myBinder is not thought to conduct heavy processing, so we recommend to use this option only for verification purposes.